Mountain N scale track plan

Dick has shared his Mountain N scale track plan.

Mountain N scale track plan

You can see the picture’s of Dick’s mountain N scale track plan here.

If you take a look at Dick’s notes, there’s some really helpful advice too.

It just goes to show two important things:

First, a layout is never truly finished. There will always be a tunnel that needs a bit of touching up or a mountain peak that needs more detail. Maybe you’ll want to add another switchback or a hidden siding to surprise your visitors. The point is, no matter how much you work on it, there’s always something more to do. That’s what makes it so rewarding.

Secondly, this hobby is all about taking your time and enjoying the process. There’s no need to rush – the fun is in the journey, not just the destination. Sure, there will be moments when you feel like tearing your hair out (like when that pesky locomotive derails at the same spot for the hundredth time), but the satisfaction of seeing those trains wind through the mountains makes it all worth it. Some people only work on their layout when the mood strikes, while others make it their winter project. Either way, it’s all about finding your own rhythm.

Another thing to note is Dick’s layout is on a solid base, but it’s also portable. He’s got it set up so he can move it around if needed, which is a real lifesaver when you need to reach those tricky spots in the back.

And don’t forget about the height of your layout. Dick made sure his wasn’t too high or too low, so it’s comfortable to work on and easy for visitors to enjoy.

All in all, Dick’s mountain N scale layout is a fantastic blend of creativity and practicality. You’re sure to be inspired by it!