Joe has shared his Balsa wood HO scale track plan.

You can see the picture’s of Joe’s Balsa wood HO scale track plan here.
Joe’s track plan is still in it’s early stages, with less then two months of work invested.
Joe’s layout features two main tracks which run along along the track with sidings branching off. There is a centrally positioned train station which features two 3 foot passenger platform. The system operates on DCC, utilizing Bachmann locomotives.
Another key feature to a layout is the scenery. Joe’s buildings you see, except for the one with the shops below and apartments on top, were crafted by hand using balsa wood and images sourced from Google. The roadway has a convex shape, created using wall compound applied with a 3-inch blade. He’s yet to add oil streaks down the lanes for authenticity. The background scenery is composed of images found online and enlarged using print shop software.
In terms of progress wise Joe said he’s 20% into this track plan. The reason for this is because he still has hundreds of trees to be planted along with more figures to populate the scene. Streetlights and telephone poles are on the agenda for the near future.
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